Following are major objectives of the KEDGY Helping Club (SMRBF):
1) Centre for poor feeding and homes for the aged and destitute children for the benefits of
the public/society
2) To give, provide and/or render help and assistance not only cash or kind to poor and/or
destitute people, widows etc.
3) To give, provide and / or destitute help and assistance to and/ or implement any scheme
(such as a self-help group) for providing livelihood and upliftment of the poor.
4) To give, provide and /or render food, medicine or other help and / or assistance in any
shape or form to the poor and needy persons.
5) To establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance support and/ or aid to or help in
the setting up and/or maintaining and/or running school (Nursery, Primary, High and
Higher) and other institutions, orphanages, widow homes, old age homes, poor houses,
residential services or other establishment for relief and/or help to the poor, old, terminally
ill older person and infirm people and/or destitute.
6) To open, found, establish, promote set up, run maintain assist and finance support and/or
and or help in the setting up and / or maintaining and/or running Hospital/Chikitsalaya,
Clinical Laboratories, boarding houses libraries, reading rooms, gymnasium and after
training and vocational institutes.
7) To foster and encourage education and training in handicrafts, fine arts, among men,
women folk in general and establish and found institutions importing such education and
establish, maintain, support or help by monetary gifts or otherwise, centre and institutions
for men, women and children and to provide social welfare works for men, women and
8) To give, provide, distribute dhoties, shares, blankets, rugs, woolen clothing, gifts of cotton,
woolen, silk and other varieties of clothes or other articles of necessity and facilities for the
9) To publish Books, pamphlets, periodicals, magazines and newspapers in India and spread
and advancement of education and culture.
10) To work for the removal of illiteracy.